Tips For Surviving A Hot Summer

Most parts of the world are going through massive heatwaves at the moment and it’s really going crazy! It has been so so so warm and humid in Singapore, but I am grateful that we have air-conditioning in 90% of indoor places.

Singapore, if you didn’t know, only has 1 season and that is summer. Living here most of my life has meant that I have almost become accustomed to the heat, whilst also hating it. Singaporeans hate heat and we hate the sun. That being said, we have also learned how to keep cool in our regular 34°c ‘heatwave’. You might even call us ‘connoisseurs in dealing with hot weather’.

One of the main reasons why I love the UK more than Singapore is because of the weather. I would take cold and gloomy over humid and sunny anyday! I know it’s a weird concept to a lot of people, but cold weather is the one for me! I love love LOOOOVE cold weather.

Here are some easy ways and products that can help you stay cool on a hot day!

Thin Clothes and NO LONG SLEEVES!

Out of 365 days a year, you’d probably only catch me in long sleeved clothing or jackets maybe….. 20 days a year. I would rather stay at home than go out in a sweater.

This makes me sad because I LOVE wearing sweaters! It was pretty much all I wore during my time at university in the UK. I love being cosy and having warm clothing and basically being covered, but you can forget about that in Singapore. The moment I step out of my shower, I begin to sweat, so long-sleeved tops are basically a no-no, unless you are definitely going to be in a very cold, air-conditioned place for most of the day.

Cinema trips and ice-skating rinks would be where you’d find most long-sleeved people in this country.

Get A Mini Fan

I have seen so many people out and about in Singapore holding mini USB fans and even though it might look ridiculous a lot of the time, those little things really help!

I personally have a tiny double bladed fan that plugs into my iPhone and points at me. I use this instead of the USB fan for the pure reason of laziness, I don’t need to hold the fan as I use my phone! Yes, feel free to laugh.

There are even some fans that spray a cool mist of water which can be very helpful but also annoying for people who wear makeup or glasses (both me!). Mini fans are usually less than $20 and you can get them from most electronic shops and online.

Skin Products That Are Designed To Cool

Summers spent in the UK were unbearable for me because of the lack of air conditioning almost everywhere. Fans were not nearly enough as all they did was blow hot air at your face. Might as well have had a hairdryer turned on in the room! I was in Boots one day and discovered they sold Cooling Sprays! The first one I tried was an Evian one (I know, how bougie) and all it was was basically an aerosol-like bottle that sprayed natural mineral water to cool you down.

It’s a very very simple invention but strangely enough I found it worked enough to bring my body temperature down very very slightly. However, I do think it is quite a gimmicky product, as you could just as well get a fine mist spray bottle and fill it with water and it would work almost the same. But it has helped lots of my friends in the past and my boyfriend enjoyed using it too!

Another thing I love and still use to this day is Original Source’s Tea Tree and Mint body wash. This is by far the best cooling body wash I’ve ever tried – it really does leave your skin all tingly and I love it!

Socks In The… Fridge?

How weird does that sound? I did this completely by random during my first year at university and I put a pair of my clean socks (make sure they’re actually clean!) in the freezer for about 2 hours before I was going out and it was really a pleasant surprise! PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MAKE SURE THE SOCKS ARE CLEAN. I’M BEGGING YOU!

The cold didn’t stay for long, but the 30-45 minutes it did was amazing! By then I also learned… maybe stick with flip flops for the summer. My Vans-socks combo didn’t help my sweaty self. Don’t tell anyone but a couple of my flatmates actually put their…. underwear in the freezer….. yep. I would not do that if I were you.

Ice Creams And Slushies Are Your Friends!

My boyfriend and I had this weird but effective method of cooling down where we bought a slush puppy from a convenience store any chance we got! The one day the slush puppy machine broke down was the day we kinda broke down too.

Stocking up on ice cream is also always a good (and very obviously easy) idea!

Iced teas and pink lemonade were also favourites of mine and will always be!

Remove Any Makeshift Carpets On Tiled Floor

I love a good rug and carpet in my home. My entire room was carpeted at university which was a first for me as houses in Singapore are almost NEVER carpeted!

Instead we have rugs which we wash once in awhile. But I’ve found that having rugs, carpets, or anything furry and thick in a humid bedroom almost makes it feel worse! I move all my thick items including curtains, blankets and rugs to make the room ‘cooler’, and I do think it works! Even my dogs don’t like lying down on carpet on really hot days as it traps more heat in their already thick fur. Tiled/marble floor is much better for hot weather!

Of course, if you can’t actually pull your carpet out, there is nothing much to be done. That’s why I hope my house won’t be fully carpeted when I do get a house, because the heatwave will drive me mad!

Turn Off Any Unnecessary Lights

I am such a night person, so when I come back from work in the evenings, it is already completely dark out. The only light I’ll have on for the rest of the evening is a dim, yellow lamp from IKEA, or a small night light on my table.

Any kind of lighting adds heat to a room, especially if you have multiple bulbs in 1 lamp. Studio lights are the worst, but I don’t expect anyone to have studio lights switched on 24/7 at home.

I’m not sure if this is a placebo effect and whether or not I’m just fooling myself, but I always feel like having fewer lights on makes me stay cooler.

With all that being said, going out to enjoy the sun once in awhile is fantastic and very good for you! Just look after yourself as too much sun isn’t great either. I hope these tips were handy in one way or another. Stay safe too!


Feel free to leave your own tips down in the comments below to save me from the 24/7 summery weather that is Singapore, as well as any other reader who might be struggling with the heatwave across the world.


76 responses to “Tips For Surviving A Hot Summer”

  1. Ashleigh Avatar

    Some great advice for those suffering in the heat waves right now! Sadly, Scotland don’t seem to be sharing the same temps as the rest of Europe – perpetually rainy here!

    I love the cooling mists though! Always pick one up if I’m going somewhere hot!

    Ashleigh | The Ashmosphere


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I do love a bit of rain! It rains in Singapore and we have a small ‘monsoon season’ at the end of the year but even then, it’s still humid which is terrible.


  2. brittshedhappens Avatar

    These are great tips! I can’t imagine wearing a long sleeved shirt in a place with temperatures and humidity that high. I would roast, and I’m the person that’s always cold lol


    1. marsybun Avatar

      “Roast” is a great way to describe it haha! I would never wear a sweater unless I was going to be in an air conditioned environment the entire day.


  3. paulinaastelmah Avatar

    Omg what!!! I didn’t know its that hot for that long.. I’m shocked. I live in weathers, jumpers and hoodies so I definitely can’t imagine living in Singapore, honestly don’t mind the British weather 🙂 – great tips though! ♡♡


    1. marsybun Avatar

      It’s basically an ETERNAL SUMMER here in Singapore and I don’t like it at all! I sweat a lot, which makes everyday quite uncomfortable and I shower minimum twice a day. Thank you for reading!


  4. Tammy Avatar

    This was just what I wanted to read. This was a fun read. I had no idea about the socks in the fridge. It gets so humid here in NYC that at this point I’m willing to try anything. I may have to try that 1 on the next humid day. And I’ll be sure NOT to put my underwear in there lol. Thank you for sharing!


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Socks in the fridge is definitely a very unconventional method (not for everyone!). Singapore is quite like NYC in that sense as well, sometimes it can thunderstorm and be sunny in the same day, it’s quite crazy!


  5. JoJo’s Cup of Mocha Avatar

    Awesome post! I’ll be going to Florida in 2 days and it’s going to be very hot while I’m there so I’ll keep your post in mind!


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I’ve heard about how warm Florida can be, I hope you have loads of fun!


      1. Hannah Louise Blog Avatar
        Hannah Louise Blog

        Socks in the freezer sounds like a genius idea, I need to try that!!


      2. marsybun Avatar

        It sounds quite silly but actually works!


  6. Anika May Avatar

    Great tips! I had no idea Singapore was in a constant state of “heatwave”, I always assumed there would be colder seasons too. And I love the sock in the fridge idea – genuis!

    Anika |


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I’m glad you didn’t find the sock-in-the-fridge too weird haha! And yeah I get it, a lot of people aren’t aware that Singapore only has summer!


  7. lifestyleseason Avatar

    Great post! Thank you for sharing! It has been quite hot here recently and I’ll definitely be using these tips!


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Glad I could be of help 😊


  8. Jenny in Neverland Avatar

    Great tips. I’d love to visit Singapore – specifically for the Formula 1 Grand Prix but honestly, it’s the heat that puts me off. I’m not good with heat at ALL. Our heatwaves in the UK are awful because no houses have air con! xxx


    1. marsybun Avatar

      The first time my English boyfriend visited me in Singapore he almost passed out, it was way too hot for him! If I ever move to the UK I’m defo getting a small portable air con or something just for summer 😛


  9. Serena Avatar

    These are great suggestions! I love using a cooling spray and mini fan to keep cool when it’s hot!

    Serena /


  10. Clarissa Avatar

    Thanks for the tips Marissa! I lived in Phoenix for 8 years and now I live in Hawaii. It’s not nearly so hot in Hawaii but it’s way more muggy and ACs aren’t as common. Cold showers and popcicles are life savers! Also when I just can’t seem to cool down I have an ice bag I like to put on my chest or back!


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I find that using those fever patches on parts of your body kinda help too! I can’t imagine not having any AC!


  11. kindkristine Avatar

    I love these tips! I lived in the desert of Arizona and I wish I new these when I was there! So unique, I love the idea of socks in the fridge and so smart to remove the carpets if you can! I’ll definitely keep these in mind


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Thank you for reading!


  12. Kayla Avatar

    I have never heard of socks in freezer.! That’s amazing!


    1. marsybun Avatar

      It is definitely quite a crazy idea 😊


  13. Liz Avatar

    This is so interesting! I cant imagine living anywhere where its hot all the time, i love wearing sweaters too much!


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I know right?! This is why I loooove the UK!


  14. Roni Avatar

    Hahahaa I wonder who first had the idea to leave their socks in the fridge – I’d definitely be tempted to try this and see if it cools me down tho x

    Roni |


    1. marsybun Avatar

      It is definitely worth a try 😉


  15. Fadima Mooneira Avatar

    I’m from Malaysia and my country is always summer. These are the things I did too to keep myself cool especially the ice-cream part.


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Hi neighbour! We’re in this together 😛


  16. NyarocheKristine Avatar

    Love the mini fan idea. Great tips as well


  17. Simone Avatar

    Literally the perfect timing! The worst heat is over now here in the Netherlands but I like to be more prepared if there’s coming a second heatwave lol. Thank you so much for sharing these tips!

    xoxo Simone |


    1. marsybun Avatar

      No problem, I hope you find something useful to help 😊


  18. crystalsandcurls Avatar

    These are fabulous tips! We’re in winter but moving to summer and, as a Brit, I find Australia’s summers almost painfully intense – I will definitely be using these! xx


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I’ve heard about how brutal Aussie summers can be, I hope you brave through it!


  19. jazminheavenblog Avatar

    These are great tips! I don’t cope well with heat, I am a winter baby at heart. It’s good that you mostly have air con where you are, here in the UK we don’t and it sucks! x


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I love autumn and winter, winter is my ultimate fav1 And it is such a shame houses in the UK don’t have air conditioning, but I guess it’s because your heatwaves aren’t very long 😔


  20. Michelle Avatar

    I also really hate the heat! I dread going out in summer because of it! I also sweat very easily which just makes it worst! Your tips are fantastic, I’m going to use some of these to cool down. ♥


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Glad I could help 😊


  21. Baby Boomer Super Saver Avatar

    So many great tips for keeping cool! I picked up one of those neck scarves that is filled with absorbent beads that swell when wet and keep you cool. They really help. Also, drinking iced mint tea is very cooling. I’ve even made mint body lotion and stored it in the fridge so it goes on cool.


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I’ve never heard of those scarves, got to look into it! 😊


  22. Chris - CJ Attractions Guide Avatar

    Great tips! On really hot days I tend to keep in the shade, this way you can enjoy the warmth, be outside and still enjoy the weather without feeling like you are being burnt alive 😂


    1. marsybun Avatar

      The shade is a saviour in the UK! In Singapore it doesn’t make a big difference because of the warm, heavy air, thankfully we have a/c everywhere!


  23. Juliana Avatar

    I never ever thought to rid of makeshift carpets to stay cooler! Great suggestion and article. -Juliana /


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Thank you for reading! X


  24. Cue Adulthood Avatar

    Wow, I love summer, but honestly, I wouldn’t know what to do if summer was my only season. I love my comfy sweats and the season of fall a little too much haha. These are some great tips to beat the heat tho! I used to have a mini fan, and I loved it!


    1. marsybun Avatar

      It is really nice to have 4 seasons, summer all year round is awful! That’s why I enjoyed my life in the UK so much haha.


  25. sunkissedlexblog Avatar

    These are really good tips! I live in a dry place right now but I’m planning on moving to humidity so I’ll be sure to refer back to this when I move! Thanks for the post!


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I hope you manage to handle humidity well! 😊


  26. quirkymoms486 Avatar

    Awesome advice! I hate being hot! I always wear layered clothes in the Summer just in case! Thanks for sharing 🙂


    1. marsybun Avatar

      I could never layer in the summer, I think I’d just totally melt!


  27. girltimewithaliyat Avatar

    What I wouldn’t do to be in tropical weather right now. That would be the greatest escape right now. Thanks, for sharing these great recommendations.


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Me too! Give me a trip to the snowy mountains now please!


  28. lordcoledemort Avatar

    These are great tips. I’m in the North of England and it’s been unusually warm here recently. I haven’t ever tried a cooling mist but I’m going to pick one up. Thanks for the advice!


    1. marsybun Avatar

      No problem, glad I could help!


  29. Nathalie Avatar

    Love these tips Marissa! I remember using an Evian aerosol, once upon a time, they sure come in handy (-;


    1. marsybun Avatar

      They’re pretty cool, aren’t they? But do they work? We’ll never truly know!


  30. Karalee Avatar

    I live in Denmark & most homes & indoor places don’t have AC…we recently went through a heatwave, but luckily now it’s cool & rainy.
    A mini fan definitely does seem helpful & I never heard about people putting their socks in the freezer!
    Ice creams & slushies are amazing on hot days!


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Agreed! In Singapore all houses have A/C, which is great as it is 35 degrees everyday!


  31. GiangiTownsend Avatar

    Great tips! I live in a very hot area of the US and we have to do so much of what you described and it sure helps


    1. marsybun Avatar

      That’s amazing to hear! 😊


  32. The Newbury Girl Avatar

    I would have never thought about socks in the freezer so now I’m tempted to try this! Keeping the lights off or shades drawn can make a huge difference.


    1. marsybun Avatar

      Windows closed and shades drawn are definitely a good idea!


  33. glowsteady Avatar

    I’m one of those people that’s nearly always freezing so I don’t have to think about stuff like this a lot but socks in the fridge is kinda genius! I’ve never heard of that before x



    1. marsybun Avatar

      Socks in the fridge is definitely a strange but effective one!


  34. The Queensights Avatar

    As someone who lives in a tropical country, I agree with all of these! Taking a bath regularly (daily or twice a day, if needed) is also a surefire way to keep yourself cool amidst the humidity. 🙂


    1. Marissa Belle Avatar

      Me too! I have a shower twice a day not because I want to but because I need to, I hate perspiring!


  35. Megan Rae Avatar

    socks in the fridge sounds so simple but genius! i never would have thought to do that!✨


    1. Marissa Belle Avatar

      It’s a little weird but it definitely works!


  36. Hannah_Cauldron Avatar

    Thank you for these tips – I will definitely be using them during this heatwave!


    1. Marissa Belle Avatar

      You’re very welcome!


  37. Jenny in Neverland Avatar

    I would literally die in Singapore. Like, literally. I’m not very good with heat so I honestly don’t know how you manage it all year round! Although the air conditioning everywhere would be a dream because we don’t have that in the UK! Socks in the fridge… amazing idea. Thank you! xxx


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